Today was open house for the boy's. It started with Brian's school, he has a really good schedule with a couple of his teacher's from past years. I really think that this year will be a good year for him, not just because it is his senior year, but he has great teachers. I was able to talk to his coaches today and thanked them for talking some sense into Brian for giving in and playing football. Yes, Brian was not going to play football and that decision devastated Stephen and I. We really looked forward to Friday night football and this year was going to be special because our son was going to be a senior. After my phone call to the head coach he wanted to meet with Brian and talk with him. They met yesterday afternoon and Brian agreed to play. I do not know what was said, I'm just thankful that his coaches care enough about him to talk him into playing.
After spending almost two hours in the hot high school fighting for parking spots and top lockers it was on to Hunter's school. As soon as I walked in his class and he went on his own way the tears started to pour. I really tried hard to hold them back, but there was no hope. I'm sure that Monday will be worse and I told his teachers that I would be sure to bring my own box of kleenex. Mrs. Bell assured me that I could come and sit in his class at any time because obviously he would not be distracted by my company. I told her that the only way that I would sit in on her class was if she needed my help. It's not that Hunter will not do well, it is just that my baby will be going to school all day long. For four years now it has been Hunter and I together every day...all day. I will be fine, I'm just a big cry baby right? No, I have a very soft heart especially when it comes to my children. Sometimes I wish that I could stop the clock and they would not grow so fast. Before we know it Brian will be gone off to college and then Britt, Austin, and we will have a few years before Hunter will follow. It is hard to believe how fast our children have grown, but it has been a pure joy to watch them develop into their own personalities.
So, please pray for me and I will keep you updated on how Hunter's first day of class goes and how I will do. For all of you who know me, well you already know.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Bass Master

This morning Stephen and Brian left out very early for a morning of fishing. I called him when I rolled out of bed at 7:30 and he told me to bring Hunter fishing. Of course I had to wake him up, and all I had to do was softly whisper "Do you want to go fishing?". So, after a quick breakfast we headed to the fishing hole. The boys fished while I sat there looking over my notes for my final tomorrow (thank God!).
Hunter loves to go fishing, hunting, and anything that involves the outdoors. He is going to be just like his brothers. Does that surprise you? He has fished before catching brim and what ever Stephen could catch on the pole to let Hunter reel in. Today though, he was on his own. Stephen did not know that there was a fish on the line he just told Hunter to reel in the line because he was getting antsy. He gets his patience from his Daddy...none at all. When he was reeling in that fish I could not help to laugh because the fish was fighting him all the way, but Hunter was determined that this fish was not going anywhere. The only thing he could say was "oh my gosh" repeatedly, it was hilarious.
He is so proud of his fish and finally held a fish for his first time. I had to hold the fish by his mouth so that Hunter could see that it was not going to hurt him. Actually, that was my fist time holding a fish as well, I'm not a fisherman or should I say woman. Anyway, that is not my idea of fun I rather watch.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
A tale to tell...
Hunter has always loved going to my parents house to play in the yard and to play with their two dogs which are boxer/lab mix. The dogs have always loved on Hunter and played with him every time that he has gone over there. This weekend my parents were on vacation so Hunter and I were taking care of the animals for them. Yesterday, Hunter was playing with the dogs in the house while I went into the garage to feed them. I heard a loud scream, hurt cry and I knew something was wrong. So, I ran in the house and Hunter meets me with blood all over his face. I freaked out!
I knew that when I saw his eye we were going to the emergency room because the gash was to big to heal without stitches. I was holding Hunter with a cold rag on his eye and mouth while I was trying to lock up the house. Things were a little crazy by this point. As I drove like a mad demon to the hospital with my baby in the back seat hysterically crying I was trying everything that I could to calm him down. I asked him what did he do and he told me that he was playing with the dog "and I bend his tail and him bit me". He was traumatized! Stephen was at work so I called Aunt Ash and Uncle Lyde and asked them to meet me at the hospital. Hunter wanted his Uncle Lyde to hold him once they got there (they have a really special bond). Ashley and Lyde stayed with us until Stephen was able to get there. Thank you guys!
Hunter did really well while he was being treated. The doctors and the nurses were really impressed with him. I am going to school to become an R.N. and I should be able to handle this type of trauma, and I could not. I told Stephen that he was going to have to stay at Hunter's head while they stitched him. Why would I ask my husband (who has a very weak stomach) to do something like this? When I saw Stephen start sweating I knew that we needed to trade places quickly. Hunter has two places at his eye where the dog bit him, but only had to have one of the places stitched up and they were able to use dermabond on the smaller cut.
This kid is amazing how well he acts when he goes to the doctor or hospital. He cooperates so well with the medical staff. I think that God is truly testing me this week with both of the traumas that I have been experienced. Yes...I still want to be a nurse, but I hope that I do not have to work on any of my family members and I will be okay. So after we left the hospital Hunter said to me "Mama go over there and beat that mean dogs butt". I used this as a lesson for him to learn not to mess with a dog's tail or his ear's. I think that he completely understood the lesson very well.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I have had a really eventful weekend. Saturday I experienced a horrible wreck and it will live with me for the rest of my life. Two women were involved and their car had flipped after over correcting themselves and hitting two trees. You can only imagine the scene,both ladies had to be life flighted to an Atlanta hospital. I was the second person on the scene and thank God that my friend Tracy and her daughter were with Hunter and I, she was able to take my car with the kids in it and pull away from the scene. I do not want to go into details about this and I'm still searching for the reason why God put me there when he did. One thing that I learned is that I do not want to be a paramedic, just an R.N.
Today I called the hospital and was looking for these two women giving the hospital the name that the State Patrol officer gave me at the site. After calling several hospitals I could not find them so I called the state patrol post and talked to the other officer who was on the scene and he gave me the right name and their address. So, I called the hospital back and finally got the room to one of the women who had a compound fracture. I ask her how she was doing and how her mom was and she informed me that her mom went home! I was amazed at the touching of God's healing hand. Both of the ladies are on their way to recovery and I will still continue to pray for them.
Sunday Brian left for a week long missionary trip to N.C. I'm so proud of him for getting involved. I went to church for the blessing of the youth group and I was so glad that I went for the message. The sermon was on envy and the deadly sin of it. We all envy someone and throw the word around to often. There are often times that we make remarks such as "The only reason they have so much money is because it was handed to them" or "She might be able to sing, but she can not dress". These are the examples that the pastor used. But it is true, everyone is guilty of it when we all should be happy for the success of others. I took that sermon to heart and was so glad that I was there to hear it.
After church the youth group packed up their belongings and were saying good bye to their family. Yes, as all of you know I cried. I really will enjoy the break from Brian for a few days, but a whole week I'm not sure how I will feel. I think that Hunter will have a harder time than I will. So work on yourself and when you wish that you could go on that nice vacation, have a bigger house, or want what others have, make a list of what you do have and be thankful for what God has blessed you with.
Have a great week!
Today I called the hospital and was looking for these two women giving the hospital the name that the State Patrol officer gave me at the site. After calling several hospitals I could not find them so I called the state patrol post and talked to the other officer who was on the scene and he gave me the right name and their address. So, I called the hospital back and finally got the room to one of the women who had a compound fracture. I ask her how she was doing and how her mom was and she informed me that her mom went home! I was amazed at the touching of God's healing hand. Both of the ladies are on their way to recovery and I will still continue to pray for them.
Sunday Brian left for a week long missionary trip to N.C. I'm so proud of him for getting involved. I went to church for the blessing of the youth group and I was so glad that I went for the message. The sermon was on envy and the deadly sin of it. We all envy someone and throw the word around to often. There are often times that we make remarks such as "The only reason they have so much money is because it was handed to them" or "She might be able to sing, but she can not dress". These are the examples that the pastor used. But it is true, everyone is guilty of it when we all should be happy for the success of others. I took that sermon to heart and was so glad that I was there to hear it.
After church the youth group packed up their belongings and were saying good bye to their family. Yes, as all of you know I cried. I really will enjoy the break from Brian for a few days, but a whole week I'm not sure how I will feel. I think that Hunter will have a harder time than I will. So work on yourself and when you wish that you could go on that nice vacation, have a bigger house, or want what others have, make a list of what you do have and be thankful for what God has blessed you with.
Have a great week!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Our putt putt game
Everytime that we go to the beach Maw has to play putt putt. Hilton Head Island was no exception! We were all hot, sweaty, itchy, and tired of hitting our balls in the water... but we all had fun!
Our Beach Trip
Brittaney and Austin were so cute together...they really love each other.
On June 19Th our family headed north (well north of us) to Hilton Head Island. All 6 of us went and Paw Paw and Maw. We rented a condo in a beautiful resort right on the beach. The landscaping was gorgeous and they even had wild rabbits running all over the grounds eating the
green grass. The rabbits would let you get within feet of them, but never would let us pet them.
The weather was beautiful and the beach...well it was nice except I could not see my feet. Originally, Brian had a football camp at Georgia Southern on Saturday so we made a family vacation out of it and went on to South Carolina. We arrived on Friday and played at the ocean for a short time before supper. On Saturday morning Brian and Stephen headed for Statesboro for a full day of football camp while we all stayed and enjoyed the ocean. I really did not want Stephen to go by himself, but he insisted that I stay and have fun with the younger three. He is such a good husband and a great father.
We played a round of miniature golf because Maw can not ever go to the beach without playing putt-putt. She even has Hunter thinking that now. It was extremely hot and muggy and the bugs were horrible. None the less, we had a good time playing, but was certainly glad to see the 18Th hole. Stephen of course was the champion, but I did come in second. Hunter had a good time getting every ones ball's out of the water when it was hit and hanging out with his Paw Paw.
We did not really do much of anything, but spend a lot of time at the beach and just relax. I had a really good time. That was the first vacation that we have been on with all of the kids. It was really nice having all of our kids around and spending time with us. Come Sunday evening I think the children had spent to much time together and could not wait to go their seperate ways.
I hated to see the vacation end. I loved Hilton Head. The island was very quiet and very family oriented. It was definitely not like Panama City Beach. I could see myself retiring to a condo on the beach like that one. I even mentioned it to Stephen and he just gave me the look like "I don't think so." So maybe a vacation home for when we retire.
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