Hunter has been testing my patience a lot here lately, maybe it is because I have been sick for over a week. He and I both have been coughing our heads off for over a week now. On Wednesday as I tried to take a nap with Stephen, he kicked me out of bed and said that I have to do something about my cough. I sounded like a cat meowing as I would breath. I admitted it was time for a trip to the doctor. Brittaney accompanied me and after 2 1/2 hours of waiting, x-rays, and tests they found that I had bronchitis. This is the first time I have ever had it and I have been miserable. Not feeling bad except for my chest feeling tight and my head feeling as though it is about to bust every time that I cough. Thank God Hunter just has a dry cough.
The other night I had to take a bath because I was so chilled down to the bone. I had just gotten on to Hunter for playing with his kickity kick ball (thanks, Wubbzy!) and told him not to bounce it in this house again for the what seemed like 100Th time. So I leave him with Stephen and I went to take a bath. After I had been in the tub for what seemed like hours (because Edward and Bella were occupying me) I emerged from the bathroom to hear Stephen telling Hunter that Mama was going to get him because he had did something bad. I came to the living room to find him bringing me, in 5 different pieces, my soldier boy that I had sitting on the fireplace. My cousin made this for my Mom who passed it down to me about 20 years ago. It was the neatest Christmas decoration made from clay pots and painted as a soldier, to cute. So Hunter and I have a conversation that goes like this...
Hunter: "Mama I did not do it"
Me: "Well who did"
Hunter:"Dooie(the dog) did it with the ball"
Me: "How did Dooie do this? Hunter you know Santa Claus is watching you so I will just ask him and he will tell me."
Hunter: "OK I did it, but it was a accident"
Me: " I knew that Dooie did not do this, but you need to quit telling stories because remember Santa is watching you"
Where do kids come up with these ideas. I wanted to laugh hysterically, but I had to be stern because he needed to know right from wrong. Stephen on the other hand was laughing because Daddy is the cool guy, while Mommy is the disciplinary one.