Today makes three weeks out from my surgery and although I am on the healing side, I still have a way's to go. I feel so much better than I did two weeks ago, but I still hurt, I am still uncomfortable, and I am still miserable. If it sounds like I am whining...well yes I am. I feel as though I have become a cry baby in my old age. Especially since surgery, I have had two episodes where I have just cried to Stephen that I can not take anymore and being the wonderful man that he is, he just wiped my tears for me and gave me a pep talk.
I can do laundry, dishes, wipe down counters, cook dinner, and sweep sometimes. Things that I still can not do is vacuuming, mopping floors, sleep on my side or stomach, scrub tubs and showers, pick up anything heavy, sleep all through the night, and there are more that I will keep to myself. I am on the upside of recovery and I am very grateful for that. I can drive with the help of the kids (scary, I know) but if I do not have to drive then I will let someone else do it for me. Brittaney came this past weekend and chauffeured me around, and it was really nice being able to spend the entire weekend with her.
I am a very independent person who relies only on myself. Having to rely on my family for help has been really hard, and I encourage them by telling them " only 3 more weeks". I never knew that I would hurt so much. It is funny how the little things in life we take for granted. Just to think I use to complain about cleaning up. Once I'm completely healed, spring cleaning here I come. I will not even complain...well until the cleaning gets old again. Ha, I will just remember this time where all I can do is move from the bed to the recliner and I will shut my mouth real quick.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
My sister's family lives in Delaware because my brother in law is in the Air Force and is stationed there. My nephew Drew (Brian) is 18 and graduated high school last year and went straight into the Air Force, so now his journey begins. He got his orders and will now be stationed in Valdosta which is 3 hours from our house. I am so excited because he will be close to us and his grandparents. So, last night he spent the night with us and had to report this afternoon at 12. Hunter loves Drew so much he is always talking about him, so when I told him that Drew was coming to spend the night he was so excited and said "he can sleep with me". It was a short visit, but well worth it. I had to snap a picture of him in uniform before he left this morning.
At noon today Hunter had his Easter egg hunt with his class and I was able to attend it with him. The walk from the school to the football field (where the hunt took place) was way to long for me, but I sucked it up and kept on trucking for my little man. I was able to stand on the hill and watch him and when he saw that I was there he was so excited. After the egg hunt was over I checked him out of school early and we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Hunter was so excited that he was going to be able to ride on the little hoveround cart with me. Brian met us at the store once he got out of school so he was able to pick up the heavy stuff while Hunter navigated us through the store. We finished up and headed home and on the way home mine and Hunter's conversation went like this:
H: "Mommy I'm so glad I come home with you"
M: "Hunter I'm so glad that you came home with me to you have been such a big help"
H: (loudly) "Mommy wait wait slow down"
(as we get over the bridge)
M: "Hunter what is wrong"
H: "member that bridge shakes your belly"
M: "Aww Hunter you are so sweet, it does jiggle Mommy's belly"
M: "Aww Hunter you are so sweet, it does jiggle Mommy's belly"
So as we get into the subdivision I said to Hunter "Hey how about giving Mommy a kiss since I checked you out of school early and he replies "I have been waiting on that" and I said "waiting on what?" and he says "A kiss from you Mommy". He just melts my heart all of the time.
Once we got home Hunter unloaded all of the groceries...even the heavy stuff as I put away the groceries. By this time I was feeling some pain so I took my medicine and Hunter and I crawled into my bed and snuggled in for a afternoon nap.
Then tonight Stephen shaved my legs for me. I feel like a new person. My surgery was 2 1/2 weeks ago and I have not been able to shave (nasty!!). I bought that smooth away, by the way works really good, thinking that would help him because he was scared he would cut me. Tonight he called me in the bathroom and said "let's get it done". He used my real razor and shaved away. The bottom of the bathtub looked ridiculous once he finished. Hunter finished up the job by putting lotion on my legs. My boys are awesome! Thanks guys so much, I sure could not have survived surgery without you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Two weeks later...
Today makes two weeks since I had my surgery and things have been really rough. I had a c-section with Hunter so I was expecting pain similar to a c-section, but not this bad. I have had good days and bad days, but I feel that I am on the upper end of recovery now.
I am one who is very independent and not use to people waiting on me at all. Surgery has definitely changed that. Everyone has had to wait on me and at first it was pretty nice, now enough is enough and I'm ready to get back to my old self. I have a better appreciation of my job prior to surgery. Stephen has told everyone that he also has a better appreciation of the things that I do because he has had to play Mr. Mom. I'm sure it is like any job if you trade jobs you will have a better appreciation for your own job. He has made up his mind and said he does not want to be a stay at home dad.
My whole family has been great throughout this surgery/recovery process. I could not ask for a better husband. I knew that before surgery, but he is amazing. He has had to put me in check when I think I can do more than I can handle, cook dinner, baths, laundry, dishes, get the boys to games and practices, take care of me, work his full time job, and I could go on and on. Never once has he complained he just keeps on going. When I am down he wipes my tears and reminds me that a month from now I will feel better than I did before. He gives me his sweet smile and I know things will be fine. I love that man more than ever, he truly is the absolute best!
My boys have been great as well. Brian has taken Hunter back and forth to school, made some dinners, cleaned up the house, and taken care of me. When he is around he tends to baby me by pushing in the recliner for me and asking me constantly "Do you need anything Heather?" He even took care of me the first night in the hospital. Austin has picked up where I have left off as well. When I ask him to do something, he actually does not complain now. He helps Hunter and when I was in the hospital Hunter had a really hard time with me being gone so his Bubbie was there to play with him and keep his mind off of Mommy not being home. Hunter has vacuumed, washed and dried clothes, put the dishes in the dishwasher away, loaded the dishwasher, fed the animals, helped me walk around, and just gave me snuggles and love when I needed them. What 5 year old knows how to do laundry? Mine. Stephen bought me a new washer and dryer (which is really nice) so Hunter has learned how to start both appliances. That kid amazes me with his intelligence!
We had made arrangements prior to surgery that Hunter was going to stay with my Mom and Stephen was going to pick him up from school and they would come to the hospital to see me. Well, things did not go as planned. Hunter had a really hard time with me being gone. The first night Stephen gave him a bath and told Hunter "come on let's hurry Daddy has to get up to the hospital with Momma" and Hunter started crying that he wanted Daddy there. So Stephen could not leave him like this. He was glad that he got to sleep with Daddy every night. Brian stepped in and stayed with me at the hospital reminding me all night long to put my oxygen tube on. He was a really great caregiver. Mom stayed with me the second night. She helped me to the bathroom and would get water for me and took really good care of me. Stephen would come during the day and help me shower and walk, then he would leave to go get Hunter from school and bring him back to the hospital to see me.
I have had some really good dinners made for me by my friends Michelle, Tammy, and Rachel. It is nice having dinner with dessert and knowing that my family is taking care of. So, thanks girls so much! I am very grateful that I have you in my life and I love y'all so much. There have been so many people calling to see if I need anything and that has been so nice. OK, I'm beginning to sound like I have won an award and recognizing all of the people in my life. No award, just some really caring and loving people who need to be recognized. The purpose of my blog is to look back on it 10 years from now and remember these little things.
I am one who is very independent and not use to people waiting on me at all. Surgery has definitely changed that. Everyone has had to wait on me and at first it was pretty nice, now enough is enough and I'm ready to get back to my old self. I have a better appreciation of my job prior to surgery. Stephen has told everyone that he also has a better appreciation of the things that I do because he has had to play Mr. Mom. I'm sure it is like any job if you trade jobs you will have a better appreciation for your own job. He has made up his mind and said he does not want to be a stay at home dad.
My whole family has been great throughout this surgery/recovery process. I could not ask for a better husband. I knew that before surgery, but he is amazing. He has had to put me in check when I think I can do more than I can handle, cook dinner, baths, laundry, dishes, get the boys to games and practices, take care of me, work his full time job, and I could go on and on. Never once has he complained he just keeps on going. When I am down he wipes my tears and reminds me that a month from now I will feel better than I did before. He gives me his sweet smile and I know things will be fine. I love that man more than ever, he truly is the absolute best!
My boys have been great as well. Brian has taken Hunter back and forth to school, made some dinners, cleaned up the house, and taken care of me. When he is around he tends to baby me by pushing in the recliner for me and asking me constantly "Do you need anything Heather?" He even took care of me the first night in the hospital. Austin has picked up where I have left off as well. When I ask him to do something, he actually does not complain now. He helps Hunter and when I was in the hospital Hunter had a really hard time with me being gone so his Bubbie was there to play with him and keep his mind off of Mommy not being home. Hunter has vacuumed, washed and dried clothes, put the dishes in the dishwasher away, loaded the dishwasher, fed the animals, helped me walk around, and just gave me snuggles and love when I needed them. What 5 year old knows how to do laundry? Mine. Stephen bought me a new washer and dryer (which is really nice) so Hunter has learned how to start both appliances. That kid amazes me with his intelligence!
We had made arrangements prior to surgery that Hunter was going to stay with my Mom and Stephen was going to pick him up from school and they would come to the hospital to see me. Well, things did not go as planned. Hunter had a really hard time with me being gone. The first night Stephen gave him a bath and told Hunter "come on let's hurry Daddy has to get up to the hospital with Momma" and Hunter started crying that he wanted Daddy there. So Stephen could not leave him like this. He was glad that he got to sleep with Daddy every night. Brian stepped in and stayed with me at the hospital reminding me all night long to put my oxygen tube on. He was a really great caregiver. Mom stayed with me the second night. She helped me to the bathroom and would get water for me and took really good care of me. Stephen would come during the day and help me shower and walk, then he would leave to go get Hunter from school and bring him back to the hospital to see me.
I have had some really good dinners made for me by my friends Michelle, Tammy, and Rachel. It is nice having dinner with dessert and knowing that my family is taking care of. So, thanks girls so much! I am very grateful that I have you in my life and I love y'all so much. There have been so many people calling to see if I need anything and that has been so nice. OK, I'm beginning to sound like I have won an award and recognizing all of the people in my life. No award, just some really caring and loving people who need to be recognized. The purpose of my blog is to look back on it 10 years from now and remember these little things.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Post Surgery
Tuesday I had surgery and spent three nights in the hospital. I have never been away from Hunter that long before. I think that we both were having withdrawals. I was able to come home this morning while Hunter was at school. I climbed into my bed and tried to get somewhat as comfortable as I possibly could. Hunter came in from school and immediately made a b-line for our bedroom. I was asleep so he crawled up in bed with me and gave me lots of love and preceded to tell me how much he missed me and he was so glad that I was home. I remember waking up with him sound asleep up under me. He has never done that before...take a nap when he got home from school.
While I was gone he was able to sleep with Daddy and he was really excited about that. He did not want to stay with anyone except Stephen, they had a really good time while I was gone and I knew that Hunter was very well taken care of. The only thing I had to concentrate on was getting my self well enough to come home and be with those that I love the most. My hospital room was really really nice and the nurses took very good care of me, but there is no place like home and I'm glad to be back.
Brian stayed with me one night and saw to it that I had my oxygen mask on the entire time. I fought with that stupid thing all night long. The next night my Mom stayed with me and took good care of me. I am so grateful to have so many people in my life who love me and take care of me. I am a very hard person to take care of because I want to be the one to take care of others and not them take care of me.
While I was gone he was able to sleep with Daddy and he was really excited about that. He did not want to stay with anyone except Stephen, they had a really good time while I was gone and I knew that Hunter was very well taken care of. The only thing I had to concentrate on was getting my self well enough to come home and be with those that I love the most. My hospital room was really really nice and the nurses took very good care of me, but there is no place like home and I'm glad to be back.
Brian stayed with me one night and saw to it that I had my oxygen mask on the entire time. I fought with that stupid thing all night long. The next night my Mom stayed with me and took good care of me. I am so grateful to have so many people in my life who love me and take care of me. I am a very hard person to take care of because I want to be the one to take care of others and not them take care of me.
Monday, March 8, 2010
What a beautiful day on Sunday. I have not been myself here lately. I'm not sure if it is because I'm getting a little nervous as surgery is quickly approaching or maybe it is because surgery needs to fix the things that are wrong with me. Anyway yesterday we had the in-laws over and I fixed a big lunch so the kids and husband were getting under my skin just a little (no fault of their own). Stephen decides that he needs to get the kids out of the house and away from me so they head to Home Depot. When they returned home Hunter comes running inside with a handful of butter cups. Talk about guilt...yes I was feeling really guilty. He was so excited that Daddy pulled over so that he could pick these off the side of the road. Britt and Brian helped as well, so Britt informed me that it was a joint effort.
I reallly hope that after surgery my moods will level out and I will not be so edgy all of the time. My poor family is suffering. I'm glad to know that even though I have not been in the best of moods lately...ok maybe for a long time now, my family still loves me. I am one lucky girl to have a gorgous, loving, sweet, husband and the most beautiful, sweet children who love me no matter how mean I am :)
I am not a fan of flowers because they cost to much money and wilt and die. However, these are the best flowers I could ask for. Picked right from the heart. I absolutely LOVE them! Thanks guys I love you so are the best!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Hunter's 5th birthday party
Man when we party...we really party. We celebrated Hunter's 5Th birthday on February 27Th and rented the entire skating rink. Stephen and I (more Stephen) were worried that we were not going to have many kids show up. Boy were we surprised. With the skating party it covers 30 people and we wanted to make sure that we got our money's worth. I think we did plus some. I had made 24 goody bags for the children and gave everyone of them away and was still short 3! Plus we had the parents who accompanied the children. I think total we had almost 50 people there.
We had a blast. Pizza, chips, cookies, cake, drinks, skates, and fun music now that is a party. Some of the guests had not been on skates since they were their children's age. We even had the grandparents on skates. Stephen and I decided after two injuries that night and the body aches the next day, next year skating was off limits to the grandparents. The only thing that we were missing was 80's and 90's music. Brittaney was running the music so she would not let us play old pooper! I laughed so hard at everyone, it was such a joy to see smiles on every one's face.
Someone please tell me why I have tried to do Hunter's parties at my house these past few years? Oh yeah because he is only 5! I think every year we will have skating parties. I know how much I love that little guy, but I was amazed at everyone else that loves him as well. Thank you so much everyone for sharing in his special day with us. He told me several times "Mommy dis is de best birtday ever". What a great feeling to know that you make your children happy.
Put your child on restriction and this is what you get...
Last week Brian was on restriction for the weekend. For something small, but I had to follow through with my discipline because I am a pushover when it comes to the kids. So, he decided to make dinner for everyone. I do not know if he was being nice, or trying to suck up so that I would let him off the handle. Either way dinner was absolutely delicious and very much appreciated. I really wish I would have taken pictures of the food on the grill, however I was slacking just slightly enjoying the break. He grilled filet mignon, shrimp, mushrooms and onions, made a few steak and shrimp kabobs, and a tossed salad. Not only did he make all of this, but he bought the steak for everyone.
I told him that he should do this more often. Cook that is not get on restriction. However, restriction was nice for Stephen and I because we were actually able to spend time with him. No wonder as a child we stayed on restriction so much...I understand my parents plans now. This coming week as I head into surgery Brian keeps assuring me that he has the kitchen part covered. I have been cooking meals and freezing them and he tells me "Heather, quit worrying I got this." As long as the kid has zesty Italian dressing he can make anything.
Thank you Brian dinner was great. I love you and am very thankful that I have you!

I told him that he should do this more often. Cook that is not get on restriction. However, restriction was nice for Stephen and I because we were actually able to spend time with him. No wonder as a child we stayed on restriction so much...I understand my parents plans now. This coming week as I head into surgery Brian keeps assuring me that he has the kitchen part covered. I have been cooking meals and freezing them and he tells me "Heather, quit worrying I got this." As long as the kid has zesty Italian dressing he can make anything.
Thank you Brian dinner was great. I love you and am very thankful that I have you!
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