My friend Michelle has the sweetest in-laws. I have actually adopted them as family myself. Last March Hunter and I set out on a week long journey with Michelle and Toby to Ohio to stay with her in-laws and they took us in like we have always belonged. That is when I discovered how much fun scrapbooking is and now I'm addicted to it.
Marsha (who is Michelle's sister-in-law) had her own scrapbook store in Ohio. She is a professional scrapbooker and a wonderful mom to six children, you should see some of her work it is amazing. Well, they came down to Georgia tonight for a weekend visit and Michelle called me to come over to her house. When I got there Marsha had brought Michelle and I some scrapbook supplies and just loaded us up. I feel like it was Christmas in October. I am so grateful that Marsha is so kind and knew exactly what this beginner needed. I wished that they lived closer so that she could teach me how to be a pro like her. Thank you Marsha for being so kind, and must I mention bringing tears to my eyes. I am so thankful for all that you have done for me and truly appreciate everything! I really enjoyed seeing you and Sam and of course your mom and dad.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Rest in peace Fi-Fi
Hunter's poor little Fi-Fi went home to be with Jesus today. She died earlier today and Brittaney and I were wondering how we were going to break to news to Hunter. So I told him that Fi-Fi was very sick. That did not work because he just continued to ask questions about what was wrong with her. I decided the best thing to do was to tell him the truth. I broke it to him gently and just told him that Fi-Fi died and she was going to live with Jesus. He asked me if I was going to bury her and I told him that I was going to let her swim down the toilet. He replies in his sweet voice "No Mommy there are alligators in the toilet" and I said well were do you want me to bury her and he told me as he was playing this out with his hands...You go outside, dig up some dirt, and lay her in the ground. I did just that...well almost. I took her outside and poured her out in the woods. I am a horrible mother, but it was dark and I could not have a proper burial in the dark. Rest assured that Brittaney has already informed me that I am so mean. So may Fi-Fi rest in peace.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thank God for Fall

Hunter had his thank God for Fall party this morning and his class performed a few songs for the parents and grandparents. After having breakfast with the other Mommy's I went back to the school to help decorate the gym for the party. All of the parents gathered in the gym anxiously awaiting our little ones to come and perform for us. At 10:30 they walked through the door so excited and waving to their mom and dad's. Hunter just casually waves at me and then stands in the circle patiently waiting to perform. After singing two songs he could not wait any longer so he runs over to me and gives me this great big hug and says "I love you Mommy" and runs back to the circle. I wanted to cry. So with tears in my eyes I just continued taking pictures and smiling at my baby. He continued to look at me to make sure that I was looking at him the entire time and at one point he even gave me a thumbs up during a song. He is so sweet and I am so proud of all of his class because they did a really good job!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpking carving

Fall is one of my favorite season's and with Fall comes pumpkin carving. I remember as a child every year my Grandfather would see to it that we went to the state farmer's market in search of the biggest pumpkin around. My Mom was telling me that one year our pumpkin was so big that it took two men to load our pumpkin into the car. Unfortunately for my kids, that adventure did not rub off on me, however, we do buy a pumpkin and carve it.
Last year my Mom was here to help in the pumpkin carving adventure and she started the biggest pumpkin war. This year she was a little late, but that did not stop Brian. He shoved a fist full of pumpkin goo in Brittaney's face and the war began. I really need to let loose because all I was worried about was the mess that they were making and then I realized "One day I will wish they were here to make a mess", so I let them have at it. Hunter even had to get in on the fun this year, and he was so excited that he had goo on his face.
Brian broke out the drill as he and Stephen were trying to determine which face they were going to carve while I was ever so diligently working on Hunter's
pumpkin. I have to say we did a really good job, I was so proud of Brian's creativity with the help of his Daddy. Brittaney washed the seeds and prepared them for roasting, our little treat, we had a really good time.
Attitudes of Gratitude
Thanks to the Inspired Room for these 20 attitudes of gratitude. She is using them around her house for the holiday's, but maybe we should use some of them in our everyday life.
20 Little Attitudes of Gratitude
1. Mind your manners. Say please, thank you and excuse me.
2. Smile when you see your family. Turn your frown upside down.
3. Pick up after yourself.
4. Notice when others do kind things for you, show gratitude by action or words. 5. Say I love you before going to bed.
6. Give hugs daily.
7. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Focus on what you are happy about today.
8. Create gratitude journals to keep track of daily blessings.
9. Show thankfulness for even the little things others do for you.
10.Leave love notes in unexpected places like lunch boxes and under pillows.
11. Encourage someone with a compliment.
12.Verbalize what you are grateful for when you feel like complaining about life.
13.Keep a basket of small slips of paper on the table. Write notes of thankfulness during the week and read them to each other during a family meal.
14. Remember to thank God for blessings each day.
15. Surprise your family (or friends) with little gifts or treats to show you thought of them.
16. No grumbling about minor annoyances around the house.
17. Do special things to cherish time with your family. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
18. Reflect on happy memories regularly. Make inspiration boards of special times.
19. Help someone out without them having to ask you. Watch for someone in need.
20. When you are doing household chores, be grateful you have a home to clean.
20 Little Attitudes of Gratitude
1. Mind your manners. Say please, thank you and excuse me.
2. Smile when you see your family. Turn your frown upside down.
3. Pick up after yourself.
4. Notice when others do kind things for you, show gratitude by action or words. 5. Say I love you before going to bed.
6. Give hugs daily.
7. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Focus on what you are happy about today.
8. Create gratitude journals to keep track of daily blessings.
9. Show thankfulness for even the little things others do for you.
10.Leave love notes in unexpected places like lunch boxes and under pillows.
11. Encourage someone with a compliment.
12.Verbalize what you are grateful for when you feel like complaining about life.
13.Keep a basket of small slips of paper on the table. Write notes of thankfulness during the week and read them to each other during a family meal.
14. Remember to thank God for blessings each day.
15. Surprise your family (or friends) with little gifts or treats to show you thought of them.
16. No grumbling about minor annoyances around the house.
17. Do special things to cherish time with your family. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
18. Reflect on happy memories regularly. Make inspiration boards of special times.
19. Help someone out without them having to ask you. Watch for someone in need.
20. When you are doing household chores, be grateful you have a home to clean.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Roller Skating fun

On Saturday we went to a roller skating birthday party and Hunter had so much fun. He had never put on skates of any kind before so we knew that we were in for a treat. Luckily, he had his sissy there (who skates like a pro) to help him glide around the rink. I really think that he could have skated better in the toddler skates, but they were to small for his feet. So we laced up the regular skates and sent him to the floor with Brittaney.
He started out at the little kid's rink holding Brittaney's hand, but before long he wanted to be out there with the big kids. Everyone who know's Hunter knows that he is a dare devil and is not afraid of anything...not even his brother's explorer. So when he wanted to venture out without holding sissy's hand, we were not surprised. He did pretty good trying to keep himself up, but gravity would just pull him down. We had so much fun watching him as he would focus so hard, get excited that he was standing alone, and fall as soon as he tried to look up to see if we were watching. Needless to say he has several bruises on his hiney and his legs, but he never gave up!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today Michelle and I got together to make some Christmas presents that we have been wanting to make for some time now. I made some snacks for us to eat and Hunter and Toby had lunch together at their table. As we were getting preparations under way Michelle was feeding Tate and she looked to the living room and saw Toby standing on my couch. She tells Toby no and that he needs to get down. Not thinking anything (because I could not see in the living room) I continued getting out the supplies that we needed. Michelle yells and says "TOBY" and she could not get the word out fast enough...."FISH". Yes you guessed it; my two betta fish which sit on our bar that Toby was so intrigued with went into the floor. Toby is two and he does not have fish at his house therefore he was just curious and wanted to investigate these guys a little closer. I just don't think that he wanted them as close as he got them. The water soaks him down the front of his clothes, soaks my couch, my floor and wall is wet, and poor Fred and Fi-Fi are flopping like "a fish out of water". Can you imagine this? So Michelle ever so kindly puts Tate down then runs over to Toby while I run to rescue the fish. Hunter says "Oh no my poor babies" because they are his fish. While Michelle is getting me some water to put the fish back into I am on the floor trying to gently pick these fish up. I am laughing now as I'm writing this. It was chaotic for a moment, but being the calm and collective mothers that we are...we handled it with a breeze.
Michelle kept apologizing to me. I was worried about Toby because the poor little guy did not mean to do this and he was soaken wet. Toby and I went into Hunter's room to get some dry clothes on while Michelle scoops Tate back up and starts feeding him again like he never missed a beat. I got some cleaner so that I could clean my couch and floor. I gave the fish some time so that the shock could wear off and then I cleaned out their tank and put them on the counter where little hands could not get to them again. I honestly thought that my house was baby proof and there was not anything that Toby could hurt...except the fish. I know now that I just need to put them a little higher when Toby comes over. Poor Fred, Fi-Fi and Toby what an experience for all three of them.
So Michelle and I feel that we are even because Hunter Pee'd on her shower curtain a few weeks ago. My computer crashed and I needed to use Michelle's computer for a moment so Hunter and I quickly ran to Michelle's. As soon as we got there Hunter had to go pee pee. He is a big boy so he went by himself. Well, he forgot to wash his hands so He and I headed back to the bathroom. I discovered that he pee'd all over the toilet (because he is a boy) and all over her shower curtain. I felt terrible! She was preparing for company to come in and now here is one more thing that she has to clean. So, like Michelle was with the fish incident... I was very apologetic. Of course Michelle being as sweet as she is tells me " Oh Heather don't worry about it".
We love our neighbors so much and are very fortunate that we have them. Every day is a learning experience and when you have children they always teach you something new. Our fish are still alive, Toby is still our best friend, and now we have a memory to look back on and laugh at. What a fish story. Thanks Toby we love you little guy!

Michelle kept apologizing to me. I was worried about Toby because the poor little guy did not mean to do this and he was soaken wet. Toby and I went into Hunter's room to get some dry clothes on while Michelle scoops Tate back up and starts feeding him again like he never missed a beat. I got some cleaner so that I could clean my couch and floor. I gave the fish some time so that the shock could wear off and then I cleaned out their tank and put them on the counter where little hands could not get to them again. I honestly thought that my house was baby proof and there was not anything that Toby could hurt...except the fish. I know now that I just need to put them a little higher when Toby comes over. Poor Fred, Fi-Fi and Toby what an experience for all three of them.
So Michelle and I feel that we are even because Hunter Pee'd on her shower curtain a few weeks ago. My computer crashed and I needed to use Michelle's computer for a moment so Hunter and I quickly ran to Michelle's. As soon as we got there Hunter had to go pee pee. He is a big boy so he went by himself. Well, he forgot to wash his hands so He and I headed back to the bathroom. I discovered that he pee'd all over the toilet (because he is a boy) and all over her shower curtain. I felt terrible! She was preparing for company to come in and now here is one more thing that she has to clean. So, like Michelle was with the fish incident... I was very apologetic. Of course Michelle being as sweet as she is tells me " Oh Heather don't worry about it".
We love our neighbors so much and are very fortunate that we have them. Every day is a learning experience and when you have children they always teach you something new. Our fish are still alive, Toby is still our best friend, and now we have a memory to look back on and laugh at. What a fish story. Thanks Toby we love you little guy!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Let the games begin.
I should start this blog by saying to all animal activist please do not read any further or else I will catch the devil. With that being said October 18Th of this year marks the "BIG" day for all deer hunters; therefore my husband and two older boys were no different...opening day of rifle season. I officially become a weekend widow. I know, that term sounds so morbid. My boys stay gone all day in the woods. They are in search of that buck or a doe that they have been patiently waiting on all year to earn bragging rights. You heard of fish stories? Well can you imagine all of the deer stories that I hear? It is so funny to hear the boys compete and do not let one of them kill a deer because the other one is going to try that much harder and the competition gets that much more intense. Well no one shot this weekend because they did not see anything other than a squirrel here and there. Do not think that the stories have not begun though. I heard of how the boys had seen all of these rubs, deer tracks, trails, but could not see anything. For those of you who do not know about deer hunting I will just tell you that a buck will rub his horns against a tree. I do not know why, but they do.
So let the games begin for the O'Pry boys. They have so much fun during hunting season. I personally do not see what enjoyment you get out of sitting as still and as quiet as you can, perched in a tree waiting on a deer to cross your path. I have gone hunting, but I enjoy sitting in a tree, enjoying God's creation and enjoying the peace and quiet. To each is own, but I would rather be doing something else. Good luck boys!
So let the games begin for the O'Pry boys. They have so much fun during hunting season. I personally do not see what enjoyment you get out of sitting as still and as quiet as you can, perched in a tree waiting on a deer to cross your path. I have gone hunting, but I enjoy sitting in a tree, enjoying God's creation and enjoying the peace and quiet. To each is own, but I would rather be doing something else. Good luck boys!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Is it bribery?
Hunter has never liked vegetables since he has been old enough to eat table food. When he was a baby I was feeding him green beans and he literally spit them in my face. To this day he does not eat any vegetable except corn and it has to be corn on the cob. I have struggled and struggled trying to feed him vegetables, but the child is just as picky as his daddy. I have hid peas behind pork chop (chicken to him because all meat is chicken), told him that broccoli taste just like watermelon (which he LOVES) and that is not good enough...he will not budge. So tonight for dinner I got a little more creative and asked him if he wanted some carrots. He says "what they yook yike?" So I showed him and I just knew what was coming next. Of course it was "NO, that is yucky." He loves butter so I told him that I was going to put butter and sugar on them and he could even help me. Excited? We both were very excited that he could help me cook and I was excited that he was going to get some nutrition. So we sat down at the dinner table and I put some on his plate, he tried the first bite and there was that face. He starts acting like he was going to throw up and being very dramatic. So in my stern voice I told him to stop acting like that. I put some more butter on his carrots that were on his plate and let him see me eating my carrots...that still was not good enough. I decided to approach it in a different aspect and I said "Ooh Mommy is eating her carrots so I can get a cupcake". Those little brown eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. " A cupcake" he exclaims and shaking my head I said " Oh yes a chocolate cupcake". If you know this kid then you know he loves chocolate and can n0t resist it not matter what the circumstance. So I added a spoonful of carrots to the two that were on his plate, cut them in half, and told him to eat three bites. Before I knew it his whole entire plate was clear EVEN the carrots. I made a big deal about it, he started dancing and we both were excited. Now that he has given it a try I think that he likes the carrots. So was it bribery? Well call it what you want, but I got him to eat a vegetable other than corn on the cob and I'm happy.
I want to be like Daddy...
Yesterday I helped out at Hunter's school for the day and had so much fun with the children. I love to see their little minds at work. When it is circle time how they squirm constantly to try to stay in the chair to learn days of the week, months, weather, and read a book. Three year old's are so full of energy and to watch as they really try hard to remain still is so funny.
The reason that I wanted to post this blog though is because when I went into the classroom his teacher was telling me how sweet he is. I already know this except when he is sleepy or hungry, but I was anxious to hear what he did today. So she showed me this booklet that he has been working on this past week and it was about the family. There was a certain page that Mrs. Mae asked Hunter "what do you want to be when you get big like Daddy?" she informed me that most other kids were rambling off careers like a fireman, policeman, etc. Not my sweet baby he looked at her and said that it sounded like this "I wanna be yike Daddy". Is that not the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I am so lucky to have a husband who is such a great role model for his children that his 3 year old son recognizes and wants to be like him.
Then Ms. Wendy asked me if I heard what Hunter did on Tuesday when they had the fire drill? I have not heard anything so I'm thinking "Oh gees what has he done this time". She said that the classroom was lined up walking to the parking lot and Hunter jumped out of line. Mrs. Mae told him to get in line and he said "Hold on I have to get this flower for my Mommy" She called him to the side and was kindly talking to him telling him that no one else got out of line and that he should not have either. He told her again (while showing her the flower) and explained that he had to get this flower for his Mommy. So Mrs. Mae just took the flower and stuck it between the buttons on his shirt so that he could bring it home to me. I do not like receiving flowers because they just die, I would rather have something that will last and I can look back on. What better flowers to receive than dandelions that are especially picked for me by the one little boy who thinks so much of me. I love being a mommy, but I love being Hunter's mommy more than anything in the world!

The reason that I wanted to post this blog though is because when I went into the classroom his teacher was telling me how sweet he is. I already know this except when he is sleepy or hungry, but I was anxious to hear what he did today. So she showed me this booklet that he has been working on this past week and it was about the family. There was a certain page that Mrs. Mae asked Hunter "what do you want to be when you get big like Daddy?" she informed me that most other kids were rambling off careers like a fireman, policeman, etc. Not my sweet baby he looked at her and said that it sounded like this "I wanna be yike Daddy". Is that not the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I am so lucky to have a husband who is such a great role model for his children that his 3 year old son recognizes and wants to be like him.
Then Ms. Wendy asked me if I heard what Hunter did on Tuesday when they had the fire drill? I have not heard anything so I'm thinking "Oh gees what has he done this time". She said that the classroom was lined up walking to the parking lot and Hunter jumped out of line. Mrs. Mae told him to get in line and he said "Hold on I have to get this flower for my Mommy" She called him to the side and was kindly talking to him telling him that no one else got out of line and that he should not have either. He told her again (while showing her the flower) and explained that he had to get this flower for his Mommy. So Mrs. Mae just took the flower and stuck it between the buttons on his shirt so that he could bring it home to me. I do not like receiving flowers because they just die, I would rather have something that will last and I can look back on. What better flowers to receive than dandelions that are especially picked for me by the one little boy who thinks so much of me. I love being a mommy, but I love being Hunter's mommy more than anything in the world!

Friday, October 10, 2008
The nights are lonely...
The saying is so true that "you never know what you have until it is gone". My husband is such a great man that he works extremely hard to provide for his family. His job requires him to go out of town for a few nights here and there. We miss him so much when he is gone. During the day is not bad because it is just like any other day at work, but when night falls there is an emptiness in the house. Hunter constantly asks me "Mommy why Daddy out of town?" and I tell him "Honey, Daddy is working to make cookie money" and that seems to comfort him for a short time and then the question comes again and again and again. Hunter has learned to answer the phone and gets so excited when he gets to answer it and so mad when the answering machine picks up (because he is to slow) or someone else answers. I love to see his big brown eyes light up when he answers the phone and Daddy is on the other end calling to talk to him and check on us. Hunter really is a Mommy's boy, but he loves his Daddy just as much and when it's bedtime he wants Mommy and Daddy right beside him.
We are so grateful to have a husband and a father who is so dedicated to his family and providing them with what they need. Thank you Stephen for being the man that you are and sacrificing all that you do to provide the absolute best for us. Most of all thank you for being the best husband and father that any woman could ever ask for. We all love you so much and appreciate what you do for us!
We are so grateful to have a husband and a father who is so dedicated to his family and providing them with what they need. Thank you Stephen for being the man that you are and sacrificing all that you do to provide the absolute best for us. Most of all thank you for being the best husband and father that any woman could ever ask for. We all love you so much and appreciate what you do for us!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
O'Pry Look-alike Meter
Everyone gives me mixed reactions as to who Hunter looks like. I found this look-alike meter to see if I could get an exact answer as to which one he most resembles. As you can see I'm still undecided. I think that he looks like me and Stephen tells me I'm crazy because he looks like him. It is a good thing if he looks like his Daddy because he is quite handsome, but grrr I just want my baby look like me. I really sound selfish, don't I? I know he definitely has his Daddy's eyes and I'm not complaining because they are beautiful and they have that sparkle that I fell in love with. So you tell me who does he look like? Either way he is the most beautiful boy that I know! :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A night decorating cookies
Last night we made cookies and had so much fun. The kids made a mess with the sprinkles and then went chasing each other through the house with icing. Poor Hunter he always gets the worst of everything because he is the littlest, but he is such a good sport. To be so little he gives out just as much as the older ones do, sometimes I think he goes stronger because of his energy.
A day in the Park!

It is truly a blessing to have all four of our children at one time. Since the older three have "grown up" our schedules seem to conflict and it is hard to be together at one time. When we have the opportunity to get together, we have so much fun. We went to the park to enjoy the fresh smells of fall and take some pictures together. As you can see the kids go wild. Brian thinks that he is a monkey and can climb tree's. They really do love each other although it looks like Brian is a bully...well he kind of is. He loves to pick on the three younger ones. Maybe it has to do with how much they aggrevate him, but none the less he loves them and has a good time wrestling with them. Thanks guys for all of the truly light up my life!
Monday, October 6, 2008

Last night Brian, Brittaney and Hunter planted some peach seeds along our property line. Stephen and I had so much fun watching as they dug, planted, covered, and jumped on the holes. Brian would dig the holes while Brittaney and Hunter came behind him and planted the seed, watered, and put dirt back over the hole. Brittaney told Hunter that he needed to jump on the hole to pack the dirt down. I thought that is was so funny to capture both of them jumping on the dirt. They did a really good job, now let's see if we get some peaches.
Where does time disappear to?

On Saturday Brian (my oldest) turned 18. It is so hard to believe that him and my little brother in law Justin are already 18. When I joined the family both of the boys were just 7 almost 8 and now they are grown. Where does time go? As a child time stands still almost and when you "grow up" time flies by.
We spent Brian's birthday with him all day. Yes, that is a surprise because he is so busy with school, football, and his girlfriend that he does not have time for his parents. The day started out with us checking out a couple of yard sales, running errands, and then coming home. Once we got home Brian's bow was ready for pickup ( it was getting worked on) so we ate some lunch and Brian, Hunter, and I headed out to pick up the bow. Brian dropped us out at Wal-Mart so we could get Hunter's haircut, pick up a few things, and he came back to pick us up. Once we got back home we loaded up again and headed to Warm Springs to eat at a steak and seafood restaurant named Oscar's. The restaurant was not anything to brag about, but the company was great. Brian, Jessie, Justin, Michelle, Grandmama, Paw Paw, Ashley, Lyde, Stephen, Hunter and I all went. Brian had his favorite meal crab legs and at the end of dinner I had bought a cookie cake with 18 candles for the waitress to bring out. The waitress' sang happy birthday to him and I think that he turned a little red, he liked all the pretty girls singing to him. We had a really good time. We are so proud of Brian and all that he has accomplished this far and look forward to many more accomplishments!
Girls night out
Friday night I had the opportunity to have a girls night out and we had a blast. It was two of the mommy's from Hunter's school Cindy and Ann, my Mom, Nanny, and two other friends Heather and her mom Phyllis went to the movies and to dinner. We went to see Nights in Rodanthe and then went for mexican and margaritas. The movie was really good, I never read the book, but I will tell you that I did not like the end. Make sure that you take a box of kleenex and go with someone you can have a good cry with. I was so excited that I was acually going to have some girl time that I left my camera at home.
I will tell you that we had a really good time though. I called to check on my boys after the movie and Stephen said they were fine so I told him that I would see him after dinner. As soon as dinner was over and I was paying for the bill I get a phone call from home. My husband is frantic on the other end and asks how close am I? I let him know that I was paying and I would be there in 15 minutes, what was wrong? He let me know that Hunter had just gone into the bathroom and would not let Stephen clean him up. So with me on the phone Hunter is in the background telling Daddy so politely "no I want to wait on Mommy" Stephen insist that he let Daddy help him "wipe his hiney" Hunter still insist "No, I want to wait on Mommy". So Stephen had no clue what to do because Hunter would not let him clean him up and he can not sit there until I get home because his legs will go numb. Laughing hysterically, I told Stephen to go and get the step stool so that his legs will not go numb and get him a magazine to read, can you imagine this sight? The entire way home I felt so guilty of going out and leaving my boys, but I wanted them to have some bonding time. I made it home in about 10 minutes ( I will not tell you my speed), but the entire time this cloud of guilt hung over my head. When I walked in the door and ran to the bathroom there sat Hunter in the position that I told his Daddy to leave him in. After we get cleaned up we go into the living room and talk about our night. Hunter tells me the normal "Mommy I miss you so much" and I let him know that I missed him and I love him very much. So I asked him "Hunter how come Daddy can not wipe your hiney, is he mean to you?" and he says "no you mean to left me" Stephen and I could not help but to laugh because he was so serious. Stephen says "Hunter why can Daddy not wipe your hiney?" and he says in the sweetest voice " Daddy your shouer hurts" yes it sounded just like it is spelled. My husband and I could not understand all of this time why Daddy could not do the duty, we know that he has an extremely week stomach, but he was more than prepared to suck it up and do his Daddy duties. Our little boy was more worried about Daddy's shoulder hurting (because he is still recovering from intense shoulder surgery from Sept. 25th) than he was about getting off of the potty. I love my boys so much and I appreciate them giving me the opportunity to go and have some fun, but I think that it will be a little while before I have another night out. Hunter is such a Mommy's boy that I can not do anything without him, but he is only young once and I will treasure these little moments, that is why I have a blog to look back on.
I will tell you that we had a really good time though. I called to check on my boys after the movie and Stephen said they were fine so I told him that I would see him after dinner. As soon as dinner was over and I was paying for the bill I get a phone call from home. My husband is frantic on the other end and asks how close am I? I let him know that I was paying and I would be there in 15 minutes, what was wrong? He let me know that Hunter had just gone into the bathroom and would not let Stephen clean him up. So with me on the phone Hunter is in the background telling Daddy so politely "no I want to wait on Mommy" Stephen insist that he let Daddy help him "wipe his hiney" Hunter still insist "No, I want to wait on Mommy". So Stephen had no clue what to do because Hunter would not let him clean him up and he can not sit there until I get home because his legs will go numb. Laughing hysterically, I told Stephen to go and get the step stool so that his legs will not go numb and get him a magazine to read, can you imagine this sight? The entire way home I felt so guilty of going out and leaving my boys, but I wanted them to have some bonding time. I made it home in about 10 minutes ( I will not tell you my speed), but the entire time this cloud of guilt hung over my head. When I walked in the door and ran to the bathroom there sat Hunter in the position that I told his Daddy to leave him in. After we get cleaned up we go into the living room and talk about our night. Hunter tells me the normal "Mommy I miss you so much" and I let him know that I missed him and I love him very much. So I asked him "Hunter how come Daddy can not wipe your hiney, is he mean to you?" and he says "no you mean to left me" Stephen and I could not help but to laugh because he was so serious. Stephen says "Hunter why can Daddy not wipe your hiney?" and he says in the sweetest voice " Daddy your shouer hurts" yes it sounded just like it is spelled. My husband and I could not understand all of this time why Daddy could not do the duty, we know that he has an extremely week stomach, but he was more than prepared to suck it up and do his Daddy duties. Our little boy was more worried about Daddy's shoulder hurting (because he is still recovering from intense shoulder surgery from Sept. 25th) than he was about getting off of the potty. I love my boys so much and I appreciate them giving me the opportunity to go and have some fun, but I think that it will be a little while before I have another night out. Hunter is such a Mommy's boy that I can not do anything without him, but he is only young once and I will treasure these little moments, that is why I have a blog to look back on.
To cool for you

We love to have our neighbor Toby over to our house to play with us as often as possible. Last week the boys were outside playing and drawing with sidewalk chalk and I could not help to snap their pictures looking so cool. Hunter loves to show Toby new and exciting things sometimes he tries to be bossy and I have to put him in his place, but non the less he loves to play with Toby.

"A smile improves your face value"
Last week I was listening/watching ABC's Good Morning America and there was this amazing 89 year old man named Paul Camyre from Palmer Massachusetts that caught my attention. Robin Roberts had interviewed him last week and he was telling his story about he could not afford to pay his oil and tax bill. I missed that particular story, but the follow up to this story was how the world heard him and reached out to help a man in need. The follow up story was titled "outpouring support for whistle-stop Grandpa. I was overwhelmed with emotion as I sat there listening to him talk about his wife who died from emphysema in 1994 and how they raised their four children, it truly was a love story. As he sat there and trembled from apparently Parkinson's disease, he touched my heart. He could not afford to pay his oil and tax bill, but Robin Robert's said to him " You always seem to have a smile on your face even when most people would be frowning" and Mr. Camyre replied " A smile improves you face value". Wow... that is the truth. If only more people could smile and be happy this world would be a much happier place to live in. Listening to this fragile man who had worked so hard all of his life to give his family everything they need reminded me of my Grandfather.
My Grandfather lived with us all of my life that I can remember and we took care of him. He was 89 when he died in December 1995 from congestive heart failure and I was the luckiest girl to have a "Grandpa" like him. He took care of my family in his younger years, and we took care of him in his later years. My parents did a great job raising us don't get me wrong, but my memories are of my Dad, Mom, and my Grandpa. He was so proud of all three of his grandchildren and gave us everything we needed, not wanted. Quite often I wish that I could go back and have that one last conversation with him and tell him how much I love him and appreciate all that he did for me. I wish that he were here to see what I have accomplished in life and meet my wonderful husband and children, he would be so proud. I know that he is smiling down on me everyday and that gives me relief.Time is to short and everything happens for a reason. If you are lucky enough to have your grandparents hug them and tell them that you love them everyday. Ask if there is anything that you can do for them because just like Mr. Camyre my grandfather was a very proud man and would not ask for anything from anyone. Remember "a smile improves your face value".
My Grandfather lived with us all of my life that I can remember and we took care of him. He was 89 when he died in December 1995 from congestive heart failure and I was the luckiest girl to have a "Grandpa" like him. He took care of my family in his younger years, and we took care of him in his later years. My parents did a great job raising us don't get me wrong, but my memories are of my Dad, Mom, and my Grandpa. He was so proud of all three of his grandchildren and gave us everything we needed, not wanted. Quite often I wish that I could go back and have that one last conversation with him and tell him how much I love him and appreciate all that he did for me. I wish that he were here to see what I have accomplished in life and meet my wonderful husband and children, he would be so proud. I know that he is smiling down on me everyday and that gives me relief.Time is to short and everything happens for a reason. If you are lucky enough to have your grandparents hug them and tell them that you love them everyday. Ask if there is anything that you can do for them because just like Mr. Camyre my grandfather was a very proud man and would not ask for anything from anyone. Remember "a smile improves your face value".
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A short and sweet visit with my Aunt Diane

Last Saturday my Aunt Diane stopped by my Mom's house for a short and sweet visit. She lives in Gwinnett County and it is a shame that we do not see each other more often, but with every one's schedule it is hard to get together. I know we are family and we should make is to short. Anyway, I have not seen her since Hunter was about 5 months old and it was so good to see her. She was coming back from from Florida where she had gone to visit her friend Cele who is sick, they have been friends for over 40 years, so she made a quick visit to see us.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are of my Aunt Diane, she is a woman that I truly admire. She is a beautiful, intelligent, strong, devoted and the list can go on...she is an amazing woman that I love very much. She has worked very hard all of her life and has raised 3 successful children. She is a great mother and a wonderful Aunt. OK so back to my memories... I could talk a long time about this lady. She would drive down to pick up my sister, my brother, and I for a weekend of fun at her house. We would wake up on Saturday morning to Fraggle Rock and homemade french toast, now that was a great Saturday morning! She would always take us to her work and show us off to all of her co-workers; she was so proud of us. I can remember she had hardwood floors in her house and my siblings and I would put on our socks and run as fast as we could and slide all the way down the long hallway. Yes, she would get on to us because she was afraid of us getting hurt, but as soon as she was gone we would do it again (sorry Aunt Diane you know we love you though). We loved to play with her dogs and the only one that I can remember their name is Dixie, but we had fun with them.
My first Easter sunrise service was on top of Stone Mountain park with Aunt Diane. I remember it was cold and dark as we made our way to the service, but I loved being with her. She is a firm believer in her faith, I admire her for that. When I think of all that this lady has
been through it is comforting to know that she has always relied on our Lord for everything, the good and the bad.
Aunt Diane if you are reading this (as I sit here with a tears in my eye's) I just want to say thank you for being a wonderful Aunt to me. I miss all of the fun times that we use to spend together and I hope that one day my nieces and nephews can say the same about me or at least a little bit of what I said :). You are an inspiration to me and I love more than you will ever know!! THANK YOU!!!

30 minute photo shoot

After Hunter chased the pig we were waiting on the fireworks display to start so my CRAZY brother in law decided to have a 30 minute photo shoot and I joined in. I am normally camera shy, but we had such a good time making silly pictures that I could not resist. Ashley which we call the camera queen took the pictures and had just as much fun as we did making them. Lyde and I had everyone laughing by putting on our own show that my Mom kept telling us how crazy we are. We love hanging out with Aunt Ashley and Uncle Lyde because there is never a dull moment when they are around, I love you guys! We had such a good time that I guess we will be back next year!
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