Monday, October 20, 2008

Let the games begin.

I should start this blog by saying to all animal activist please do not read any further or else I will catch the devil. With that being said October 18Th of this year marks the "BIG" day for all deer hunters; therefore my husband and two older boys were no different...opening day of rifle season. I officially become a weekend widow. I know, that term sounds so morbid. My boys stay gone all day in the woods. They are in search of that buck or a doe that they have been patiently waiting on all year to earn bragging rights. You heard of fish stories? Well can you imagine all of the deer stories that I hear? It is so funny to hear the boys compete and do not let one of them kill a deer because the other one is going to try that much harder and the competition gets that much more intense. Well no one shot this weekend because they did not see anything other than a squirrel here and there. Do not think that the stories have not begun though. I heard of how the boys had seen all of these rubs, deer tracks, trails, but could not see anything. For those of you who do not know about deer hunting I will just tell you that a buck will rub his horns against a tree. I do not know why, but they do.
So let the games begin for the O'Pry boys. They have so much fun during hunting season. I personally do not see what enjoyment you get out of sitting as still and as quiet as you can, perched in a tree waiting on a deer to cross your path. I have gone hunting, but I enjoy sitting in a tree, enjoying God's creation and enjoying the peace and quiet. To each is own, but I would rather be doing something else. Good luck boys!

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