On Wednesday Hunter had his Christmas program at school and the class came out dressed as reindeer. I was able to snap a picture of the class as they patiently waited in the classroom to make the grand entrance. I think Hunter was the cutest reindeer that I have ever seen. The entire class was so adorable and performed so well. They sang a few Christmas songs and the children were so excited to see their family members. Throughout the entire performance children were waving to their mommies and daddies, and mine was no exception. Hunter shouted "Aunt Ashley" in the middle of the program, he wanted to make sure that she saw him.
Hunter had an entire audience there to watch him perform. Mommy, Sissy, Noni, Aunt Ashley, and Uncle Lyde. Sissy was able to come and help me decorate for the party because she had made all A's and was exempt from taking her final exams. We all had a really good time, and I finally remembered to charge my video camera. My pictures were not that great, but an elf informed me that Santa was bringing me a new camera so we will see.

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