Wow, it is already a new year, I can not believe that it is 2009. With the new year comes new year resolutions, right? Well again this year I have not made any new year resolutions because I generally do not keep them. I would like to approach an assortment of changes within myself this year and I will definitely try.
The day after Christmas Brian broke his arm and the craziness began. Friday night December 26Th Brian was at his friend Dalton's house and he was goofing off on the steps and fell off the steps. Dalton's mom Deb called me and explained what happened and asked me to meet her at the hospital. Stephen stayed home with the boys and I frantically made my way to the hospital. It is just a broke arm, but when my kids are hurt I tend to get a little hysterical.
I was about 1 1/2 miles behind the car that carried Brian and pulled in to the emergency room shortly after they arrived. When I saw my son crying I knew that he was in extreme pain. I just wanted to hold him and make him feel better, but it is hard to do with a 6' 4" 253 pound grown man. They worked us back rather quickly and when the doctor came in and looked at his arm, he knew that it was bad. It was his left humerus bone and it was twice the size that it normally is. The doctor looked at me and said "Mom we may have to operate so which hospital would you like us to transport him to?" My heart sank and the feeling of sadness turned into fear.
Because of the holidays Spalding Regional did not have a Orthopedic Surgeon on call and our two choices were Columbus or Atlanta. I told the doctor whichever is closest and has the best doctors. I knew that Atlanta was closer, but I really wanted the best doctors. The doctor went to make some phone calls and shortly returned to tell us that Atlanta Medical Center would take him immediately. I had time to run home and pack mine and Brian's bag, kiss my three boy's goodbye, and get back to the hospital. Finally at 1:00 am the ambulance arrived to transport Brian to Atlanta. I followed behind the ambulance and was very determined that no one would get in between us. After driving in the fog and rain we finally made it to the hospital in an hour. The doctors looked at him and determined that they were going to put him in a brace, but they would have to admit him and fit him for the brace on Saturday.
While we were waiting on our room Dalton and I ventured out to McDonald's. Dalton was hungry because he had not eaten since lunch and Brian was a little hungry as well. The only place open was McDonald's on E. Ponce De Leon. If you have ever been to Atlanta then you know that the freaks come out at night, and this night was no exception. I could not believe everyone who was out at 3:30 in the morning and you know that they were up to no good. I was scared, but I had Dalton there with me so it was not to bad. We got our food and went immediately back to the hospital and did not look at anyone wrong!
We finally got moved into our room at 4:30 am. Brian's friend Dalton stayed with me while Stephen was at home with the boys on standby just in case Brian had to have surgery. Dalton and I slept oh so comfortably in the two chairs provided by the hospital for about 1 1/2 hours. Two different doctors came in throughout the day, they took one more x-ray, and said that we could make an appointment to see the doctor's next week to be fitted for the brace. I was a little angry because after all this was the reason that we stayed the night in the hospital to begin with. Brian and Dalton insisted on having a spitball fight on Saturday afternoon to pass the time, that was amusing.
Needless to say I do not ever want to deal with Atlanta Medical Center again because we had 1 nice nurse throughout our entire visit, they administered kid doses of morphine to Brian, the hospital was nasty, and they lied to us about fitting him for his brace so we had to spend the night. It will definitely be a night that we will never forget.
We went to one of the local doctor's in town, which we really like, and he told Brian that he would be in this sarmiento brace for 2 to 3 months and should be healed by Spring football, but only time will tell. I have had extra duties waiting on him hand and foot and I think that he actually enjoys it. I'm glad that I can be here for him, but I will be forever grateful when he heals completely.
Happy New Year to all of you!

The view from our classy room.
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