Saturday, May 2, 2009

My 8, tagged by Ashley

8 Things I am looking forward to:

1. Taking a family vacation to Disney World
2. My last week of school next week
3. Having people over at the pool this summer
4. Watching my kids play sports
5. Seeing the joy and sparkle in my children's eyes
6. Graduating and becoming a R.N.
7. Having a niece that I can spend time with
8. Living happily ever after with my husband

8 Things I did yesterday

1. Went to school
2. Gave a small speech in front of my class
3. Washed clothes
4. Took a nap
5. Ate strawberries with Hunter and laughed at who got the last one
6. Played cards with my parents
7. Tried to teach Michelle how to play cards
8. Snuggled in bed with my boys

8 Things I wish I could do

1. Make everyone happy
2. Win the lottery
3. Make better grades in school
4. Know that my kids will always be healthy and happy
5. Bring world peace
6. Swim with the dolphins
7. Find my husband a job that he enjoys
8. Bring my family closer together...both sides

8 Shows I watch

1. Dancing with the Stars
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. House Hunter's
4. The news
5. Trauma life in the E.R.
6. The bachelor/bachelorette
7. Anything on HGTV
8. ?

And I tag Michelle


Anonymous said...

I love the neice one...
:] Ahhh...

Michelle said...

Alright, I hear ya :) I'll work on this...