Tonight I was running Hunter's bath water and there was a cricket in the bathtub. I called Hunter over to look at it and of course the boy in him wanted to get a cup and catch it. Crickets are harmless so I told him to go ahead. He scooped it up and said "Mommy what we gonna do wif him?" I was ready for my shower and he was ready for his bath so I said "We will leave him on the counter (in the cup) and when we get out we will let him go outside. He wanted to keep him as a pet and after a talk about why crickets live outside and not inside he was prepared to let him go.
I ran Hunter's water, gathered up his bath toys, and checked in on the little guy to see if he was ok. By this time Hunter was in the tub. Of course as my luck goes, the cricket died! I had to explain to Hunter that the cricket died so we would not be able to let him go outside. Soooo I did what my first instinct was and I dumped him in the trash can. Hunter gets so upset with me and tells me "Mommy he is pose to go live with Jesus, everyone lives with Jesus." Oh my goodness what was I to say to him. I briefly told him that he will go and live with Jesus.
All of this came about when his two fish died. It was in an earlier post about Fred and Fe-Fe. Do you remember? Well the fish died and I had to go and bury them outside, or so Hunter thought. I wanted to flush them down the toilet and he would not let me. So I carried them outside and gently placed them on top of the dirt and Hunter was happy. I refused to go outside and "bury" a cricket though. Is that wrong of me? I think that Hunter will understand one day why Mommy's say some of the things that they do just to pacify their children.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Jesus Loves Me
I wanted to post this real quick. Last week was vacation bible school at my mom's church, so she took Hunter all week. He really enjoys going to VBS and learning about Jesus. He has started singing Jesus Loves Me and it is so cute to hear this little guy sing this song. It goes like this:
Jesus loves me this I know, Fir da bible tells me so
And he continues to sing the same line over and over. Do you think that he may have a little southern in him?
He and I had a conversation on the way home from Nonni's after the second night that I picked him up from an overnight visit and it went like this.
me: "Hunter I am so proud of you for spending the night away from Mommy and Daddy again, you are getting to be such a big boy."
Hunter: "Yeah I know"
Me: " Now that you have spent the night with Nonni, do you think that you can spend the night with Maw and PawPaw?"
Hunter: "No"
Me: " Well, what about Aunt Ashley and Uncle Lyde? , Wouldn't that be so much fun?"
Hunter: "No I don't kink so, just Nonni"
I called him 3 times to see if he was ready for me to come and pick him up and the last time the first thing he said to me was "Ugghhh Mommy why you call me so much?"
I love this age and I wish that I could freeze him at 4. He is so sweet and funny and seems to amaze us everyday.
Jesus loves me this I know, Fir da bible tells me so
And he continues to sing the same line over and over. Do you think that he may have a little southern in him?
He and I had a conversation on the way home from Nonni's after the second night that I picked him up from an overnight visit and it went like this.
me: "Hunter I am so proud of you for spending the night away from Mommy and Daddy again, you are getting to be such a big boy."
Hunter: "Yeah I know"
Me: " Now that you have spent the night with Nonni, do you think that you can spend the night with Maw and PawPaw?"
Hunter: "No"
Me: " Well, what about Aunt Ashley and Uncle Lyde? , Wouldn't that be so much fun?"
Hunter: "No I don't kink so, just Nonni"
I called him 3 times to see if he was ready for me to come and pick him up and the last time the first thing he said to me was "Ugghhh Mommy why you call me so much?"
I love this age and I wish that I could freeze him at 4. He is so sweet and funny and seems to amaze us everyday.
There are so many things that I want to blog about, but I just do not have the time right now. For instance, Our Hilton Head Island vacation, the college's that Brian has been checking out, or how Hunter sings Jesus loves me! I will eventually get to them...maybe after the semester ends.
I started back to school June 23rd and Summer semester is so much. Everything you learn in a normal 4 month semester is crammed into 4 weeks. I'm in my last core class which is history. Yes, there is a reason that I chose to take this class last. I can not stand history. I have never been able to understand it, much less wonder why I need this class for nursing. However, I did learn the answer to that question in history. Georgia law requires that every graduate who graduates from a GA University must pass a test on Georgia history. Why? I ask myself the same question, but realize that I need not question it and just make the most of it. I have a quiz every other day, a midterm after two weeks of the beginning of class, and a final on the last day which is July 20. I will be counting the days down.
So in the meantime, I will have my nose in my history notes and continue blogging after school lets out this summer.
I started back to school June 23rd and Summer semester is so much. Everything you learn in a normal 4 month semester is crammed into 4 weeks. I'm in my last core class which is history. Yes, there is a reason that I chose to take this class last. I can not stand history. I have never been able to understand it, much less wonder why I need this class for nursing. However, I did learn the answer to that question in history. Georgia law requires that every graduate who graduates from a GA University must pass a test on Georgia history. Why? I ask myself the same question, but realize that I need not question it and just make the most of it. I have a quiz every other day, a midterm after two weeks of the beginning of class, and a final on the last day which is July 20. I will be counting the days down.
So in the meantime, I will have my nose in my history notes and continue blogging after school lets out this summer.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Last night Hunter, Brittaney, and I went to see the movie UP. For the past week Stephen has been planning a hot rod day with his friend Kenny that he works with. Kenny is old enough to be Stephen's dad, but Stephen enjoys hanging out with him. So they took the hot rod that Kenny rebuilt and drove to Macon, ate some dinner and just had a boys night. So, at the last minute I decided that I would take Hunter to see Up 3-D. I invited Brian and his girlfriend Jessie to go with us and of course he did not want to go. I thought about calling Britt, but she is always busy on the weekend's, but I gave it a try just in case. She agreed to go at the last minute and we had so much fun together.
We met my friend Tracy and her daughter Katelyn at Zaxby's for some dinner and then headed to the movie. I was really surprised that Hunter actually sat through the entire movie without getting up playing in the aisles. We only had to get up once to go potty! I think because the movie was so good, it kept his attention throughout. I would recommend that everyone see that movie. It is definitely better than Wall-E. I will not even tell you about my experience with that movie. So what are you waiting for? Get up and go see UP.
We met my friend Tracy and her daughter Katelyn at Zaxby's for some dinner and then headed to the movie. I was really surprised that Hunter actually sat through the entire movie without getting up playing in the aisles. We only had to get up once to go potty! I think because the movie was so good, it kept his attention throughout. I would recommend that everyone see that movie. It is definitely better than Wall-E. I will not even tell you about my experience with that movie. So what are you waiting for? Get up and go see UP.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Great Smokey Mountain getaway

We just got home from a quick trip to North Carolina. Brian was invited to attend a day camp at Western Carolina University on Saturday. The camp was for all prospective recruiters that the University has scouted out, and our son was one of the players. We are very proud of that. We left Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. and registration started at noon. After a brief orientation of the campus and what it takes to receive a scholarship it was time for the boys to hit the field. It really was neat to see your child out there in there stadium and just imagining him playing for a University. The mountains surrounded this campus and the views were absolutely amazing.
I was a little crabby, well maybe a lot crabby, from being up all night before so we went and found a hotel for me to take a little nap. Hunter and I stayed at the hotel and took a nap while Stephen and Austin went back to the campus and watched Brian. Once the camp was over they came to the hotel and Brian told me all about what he learned. There were approximately 100 players at the camp and Brian said that when it was over they gave the guy's an opportunity to look at the clipboard and there were 5 players with star's beside them and Brian's name was one. We do not know what the star's mean, but we can only hope that it is good.
Sunday we ate breakfast at the hotel, packed up and headed for the river to raft. The water was about 55 degrees and freezing, but we were ready for some fun. We rented a raft and a blow up kayak. Brian started off in the kayak and the rest of us were in the raft. Heading down the river was pretty smooth. Austin and I were in the front paddling and Stephen was in the back steering the boat with his paddle. As we are going down the river we were acing all of the rapids and Stephen kept telling Austin and I how good we were doing. Then, we saw two rocks with some swift rapids up ahead. We are paddling as fast as we can to try to avoid the rocks (can you imagine this scene?). It happens... we hit the rocks HARD and Austin and I get knocked to the back, Stephen is holding Hunter, but we all made it with a face full of smiles. We learned our lesson on how to handle the rock situations and we headed back down the river for some more fun. We were looking for a bank where we could pull over and let some of the water out of our raft when we seen a bank where Brian was pulled over. The only problem was the bank was on the left and we had to paddle to avoid these rocks with swift rapids and then quickly paddle back to the left and make it to the bank. Well, we could not avoid the rocks. We hit one rock and you guessed it; man overboard. Austin went over! I was trying to help him back to the boat while worrying if a snake was going to get him and laughing the entire time. He survived with a tiny cut on his hand and we made it the bank. We were able to pose for some pictures in the water, let the water out of our raft, get a drink of gatorade, and we were off again.
Austin climbed into the kayak and Brian was in the raft with us helping me up front paddle. I was concerned about Austin because Brian eventually left us going down the river and I did not want Austin out of my site. He stayed really close to us as he got familiar with how to maneuver the kayak. As we drifted down the river a little more there were some rapids and we got separated. Austin hit a rock and got caught up and could not get off. Us, on the other hand, continued drifting down the river as we watched Austin rock the kayak and try to push himself off of the rock. Hunter was getting upset because he wanted to jump in and swim up river to save his bubbie. Finally, Austin wiggled his way loose. The rest of the ride was smooth for everyone. We had a really good time. It took us 1 1/2 hours to get down the river and by the time that we were finished we all were exhausted and ready for some lunch.
Our next stop is Georgia Southern on June 20Th. Stephen and I would love for Brian to attend Georgia Southern because he will be close to us. However, Brian has already told us that if he goes to N.C. we could just move up there and I could still cook for him. I think I would be all for that because it is gorgeous!

Friday, June 5, 2009
slipping and sliding
We finally took the cover off the pool this week. I really wanted a swimming pool and I enjoy it, I really do, but I did not want to open it this year. It is a pain in my backside to keep up with chemical balancing, cleaning the pool, and everything else that comes along with the upkeep of a pool. The kids have been asking me when we are going to open it and Stephen told me "You give me the word and I will do it." So, I finally gave and he opened it on Monday.
Brian's job was to clean the pool cover and he made the best of it. Him and Hunter made a slip and slide out of it and they had a blast. Brian called me outside to look at something, I thought it was a snake so I was very hesitant. When I walked outside I busted out laughing. Those two boys were so funny sliding on their knee's and backside. There is nothing I love to hear more than my children laughing. Laughter is truly the best medicine.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hair...what hair?
Today Hunter and I went to see our lovely cousin Valerie for some new do's. Hunter will not let anyone cut his hair except Valerie. We tried to go yesterday and Valerie was off. I explained to Hunter that Brandie could cut is hair and he replied " no only Balrie."
I really did not know what kind of a hairstyle that I wanted I just wanted it thinned out. My hair is extremely thick and heavy. I tend to get a lot of migraines and it is very hot in the summertime. I really do not think that I'm going to have that problem anymore, because it is short and thinned out. Seriously, I can not even pull it into a pony tail anymore. I was really nervous about what Stephen was going to think. The last time that I cut my hair really short was on his birthday, of all occasions. I donated my hair to locks of love to celebrate my pregnancy. Stephen HATED it! What a great birthday present to him.
He called me on the way home and I forewarned him. As I creeped into the house I was waiting on him to make fun of me or say he did not like it. Instead, he just looked at me and smiled. I said " you hate it don't you?" and he just smiled and said "No it really looks good." I was happy to hear those words. Thank you honey for making me feel better.

It is hard to get a good picture when you are the photographer.
I really did not know what kind of a hairstyle that I wanted I just wanted it thinned out. My hair is extremely thick and heavy. I tend to get a lot of migraines and it is very hot in the summertime. I really do not think that I'm going to have that problem anymore, because it is short and thinned out. Seriously, I can not even pull it into a pony tail anymore. I was really nervous about what Stephen was going to think. The last time that I cut my hair really short was on his birthday, of all occasions. I donated my hair to locks of love to celebrate my pregnancy. Stephen HATED it! What a great birthday present to him.
He called me on the way home and I forewarned him. As I creeped into the house I was waiting on him to make fun of me or say he did not like it. Instead, he just looked at me and smiled. I said " you hate it don't you?" and he just smiled and said "No it really looks good." I was happy to hear those words. Thank you honey for making me feel better.
So what do you think? Keep the long hair or stay short?
It is hard to get a good picture when you are the photographer.
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