Monday, June 29, 2009

Jesus Loves Me

I wanted to post this real quick. Last week was vacation bible school at my mom's church, so she took Hunter all week. He really enjoys going to VBS and learning about Jesus. He has started singing Jesus Loves Me and it is so cute to hear this little guy sing this song. It goes like this:

Jesus loves me this I know, Fir da bible tells me so

And he continues to sing the same line over and over. Do you think that he may have a little southern in him?

He and I had a conversation on the way home from Nonni's after the second night that I picked him up from an overnight visit and it went like this.

me: "Hunter I am so proud of you for spending the night away from Mommy and Daddy again, you are getting to be such a big boy."

Hunter: "Yeah I know"

Me: " Now that you have spent the night with Nonni, do you think that you can spend the night with Maw and PawPaw?"

Hunter: "No"

Me: " Well, what about Aunt Ashley and Uncle Lyde? , Wouldn't that be so much fun?"

Hunter: "No I don't kink so, just Nonni"

I called him 3 times to see if he was ready for me to come and pick him up and the last time the first thing he said to me was "Ugghhh Mommy why you call me so much?"

I love this age and I wish that I could freeze him at 4. He is so sweet and funny and seems to amaze us everyday.

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