I was overwhelmed with emotions all day. I kept telling myself to be strong for my youngest and oldest baby and whatever you do...do not cry! Yeah right! I saw the school bus coming down the road and I lost it. Then when I saw my little baby get off the school bus like a big boy, well you can imagine the river that flowed. Hunter and I talked the whole way home about the bus ride. He told me "Mama I had so much fun." I was really glad to hear that because I had worried all day about his safety and was he going to have someone on the bus to talk to? Would he know how to get on the bus and off at the correct stop? Was the bus driver going to be nice to him? And on, and on, and on. When we got home he was snickering and told his Daddy "Daddy, Mama cried like a baby." (thanks Hunter that was suppose to be our secret)
Then Friday night I had several hours to give myself the pep talk of how I can do this without crying in front of hundreds of people and embarrassing Brian. Well guess what? I made it. Yes, I hid my tears very well. I did not say that I did not cry, but I did not let Brian know. He even asked me "Heather, are you crying?" I quickly replied "nooo not me". My big baby has grown up so fast. It is hard to believe that I came into his life at 7 years old and have been able to watch him grow into this handsome, intelligent, loving, young man. Stephen and I are very proud of him, but know that we still have six months left of his senior year. Gosh I love this kid, we have become so close over the past few years and I'm really not looking forward to him flying the coop. I tease him and tell him that I will be visiting quite often when he goes off to college. It is such an accomplishment to raise good kids and Stephen and I have.
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