Friday, February 19, 2010

It is so hard to believe how time flies. It seems as though yesterday the doctor's had told me that I could not have children and if I could conceive it would be very difficult. I have always dreamed of having children and my dreams were crushed. Seven years later my dream came true...I was pregnant. The memories are so clear and I think they will always be. I was put on bed rest the weekend before and went into the doctor on Monday (Valentines day) which he immediately sent me to labor and delivery to be put on complete bed rest. To the extreme that my lights and phones were turned off, I could not have any visitors, and I could not get out of bed for anything. I could not eat or drink and they immediately started administering steroids to build up Hunter's lungs. I was 32 weeks along and scared to death.
We were able to get by the rest of the week and I think that I was in denial. I knew that my blood pressure continued to spike since I was 22 weeks. This included urine and blood test every other week and a weekly visit to the perinatologist. When they admitted me into the hospital I thought they were just being precocious and wanting to monitor the baby and I since I do not do to well letting people help me out. Stephen stayed with me all week long and I kept telling him they were not going to deliver so he could go back to work. I felt great all throughout my pregnancy...I never got sick and I loved being pregnant! On Thursday evening we decided that he would return to work on Friday because I was sure they were going to let me go home. After all my baby shower was on Sunday.
Friday morning came and I was so ready to get some fresh air. I had not seen the doctor all morning, so I knew that things were not serious. The nurses would occasionally pop in and out to check on me, family and friends would call and I would tell them "well I'm probably going home today". Little did I know that I was in for the shock of my life. Around 3 p.m. the doctor came by and sat on the side of my bed and I will never forget the words "It's time to deliver". My blood pressure had spiked to 202/102, I was by myself and scared to death. I called Stephen and he was at the hospital within 30 minutes. I called my Mom and she dropped everything and headed to the hospital. I called my mother and sister in law and could not reach either of them. They were at Wal-Mart buying groceries, when I finally got in touch with them they ran home left Justin to put up the groceries and were there in a heartbeat. Everyone made it to the hospital so we were ready to go.
Stephen and I were terrified! Dr. Hinds explained to us that Hunter would probably go into the NICU and he assured us that if Hunter had to be transported out that we would go with him. My head started spinning and everything went extremely fast. I wanted Stephen by my side for everything. He kept telling me "your finally fixing to me a Momma" and all I could think about was is my baby going to be ok? I made sure to tell Stephen to go where ever Hunter went because I would be ok. He stayed by my side through it all. Hunter made his appearance at 5:17 p.m. They held him up to show Stephen and I and then took him away. I remember a room full of doctor's and nurses, but could not remember what my baby looked like. I had to be taken back to labor and delivery to be monitored so there fore I could not see my baby or hold him. I remember thinking to myself that delivery was not suppose to be like this. They are suppose to put the baby on your chest and you are suppose to bond with your baby right away. Not in my case.
Stephen was the best. He would continue to go to the nursery and took pictures of Hunter for me to show me what our little miracle looked like. I was devastated when I saw all of the tubes coming out of what seemed to be every orifice of his body. The pediatrician came in later in the evening after they assessed Hunter and gave Stephen and I an update. The next morning I was finally able to touch my baby. He had the sweetest hands, head full of hair, and the prettiest lips that I had ever seen. I was dying to kiss his lips, but I could not stimulate him at all. I could only talk to him and tell him how much I loved him and I was going to hold him soon and never let him go.
After 4 days it was time for me to be released from the hospital. My heart broke into a million pieces when I had to leave my sweet angel behind. They wheeled me out of the hospital in a wheel chair holding my pillow where my baby should have been. It was the worse day of my life so far. Stephen would go by the hospital in the mornings before work and make it to his 6 a.m. feeding and my sister in law would drive to my house and pick me up everyday and we would visit Hunter. Finally on Friday February 25Th it was time to release Hunter from the NICU and he went into the regular nursery. We were able to get a room back at the hospital and spend the weekend with him and on Sunday we all came home as a family.
What an experience Stephen and I went through, just another episode to bring us closer together. God definitely had his hand in this experience and gave me the greatest gift a women could ever have and that was being a mother...my greatest accomplishment!
Hunter as I look back over the last five years of my life they have been the best. I love being your Mommy and watching you grow everyday and experience life. You are the greatest blessing to Daddy and Mommy and we love you more than you will ever know. You are our little miracle baby in more ways than one. You light up our life and put a smile on our faces daily. Happy Birthday my sweet little angel, I love you more than you will ever know!

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