Today at Hunter's school he had to dress up like a pilgrim and the younger children dressed up as indians. They performed some songs together and then the pilgrims and indians sat down for a Thanksgiving Feast together. The performance was so cute to watch. I love how the children come in to the gym and their eye's are focused on looking for their parents and then they try to focus on the teacher.
All week long Hunter has told me that he did not want to dress up like an Indian and I tried to tell him that he was not dressing like an indian but a pilgrim. It is so hard trying to explain to a 3 year old the difference between an indian and a pilgrim especially since history was not my favorite subject. I even pulled out pictures of sissy from the 1st grade where she dressed up like an indian. His explanation to me for not wanting to dress up was "My friends are going to laugh at me". Since when is a 3 year old concerned with someone laughing at him? So anyway, I told him the night before that Aunt Ashley and Uncle Lyde were coming to watch him sing his song and dress up and he made a fuss over it. Not that they were coming because he loves his aunt and uncle, but they were going to laugh at him. I assured him that they love him and would not laugh, Ashley and I had to convince Uncle Lyde not to laugh before we walked in the gym. Hunter comes into the gym and is all smiles at Mommy, Uncle Yde, and Aunt Ashwey and we are continuously taking pictures of this little cutie. In the middle of a song he makes a mad dash over to his Aunt Ashley gives her a hug and runs back to his spot like he never missed a beat. He just had to get some love to continue his performance.
After their performance they made their way over to the table for the Thanksgiving Feast that consist of turkey, corn, cranberry sauce, cornbread, and pumpkin pie. It was clear as the teacher's were making the children's plate that there were some picky eater's, my child was no different. I can not get him to eat vegetables at home so I thought that maybe he would at least try them at school with his friends. He cut up his food like such a big boy and I told him to try his cranberry. I wish that I was quicker with the camera to capture the face that he made when he put that in his mouth, it was priceless. Needless to say he does not like cranberry sauce, and I do not blame him.
After their performance they made their way over to the table for the Thanksgiving Feast that consist of turkey, corn, cranberry sauce, cornbread, and pumpkin pie. It was clear as the teacher's were making the children's plate that there were some picky eater's, my child was no different. I can not get him to eat vegetables at home so I thought that maybe he would at least try them at school with his friends. He cut up his food like such a big boy and I told him to try his cranberry. I wish that I was quicker with the camera to capture the face that he made when he put that in his mouth, it was priceless. Needless to say he does not like cranberry sauce, and I do not blame him.
I love this age. It is so much fun to see him experiment with new things and just blossom in to this sweet little boy that he has become. Must I say he was the cutest little pilgrim that I have ever seen.

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