Halloween 2008 was so much fun. The evening started out with Lyde, Ashley,Brittaney, Austin, Hunter, and I went to the First Baptist Church with some of Hunter's school friends for the trunk or treat. They had blow up slides and jumping things, a cow train, and trunk or treat. The kids had so much fun on the blow up slide, Lyde even took a turn down the slide (he is a big kid). Then it was time to trunk or treat, so we walked around to all of the car's and Hunter got a bucket full of candy. He had so many compliments on the bucket that his Maw had made for him. As we were leaving the Baptist church to make our way over to the Methodist Church, we saw the Pieracini's which is Hunter's best friend Toby. We made it to the Methodist church and picked up Jessie, which is Brian's girlfriend, and met up with my parents. We all walked down Thomaston Street to trick or treat for more candy. This was our first year on Thomaston Street and I could not believe how many people turn out for the festivities.
After trick or treating Hunter went with his Uncle Lyde and Aunt Ashley to his parents church for the festivities there. Everyone else made their way towards the football field for some friday night football. My parents, brother, myself, Brittaney, and Jessie were walking down this side street (where noone was around) and we could hear the music that was being played at the ball field...so I broke out the dancing. Yes, I was dancing in the streets. I had so much fun embarassing Brittaney and Jessie. The girls tried to pretend that they did not know me and I pointed out to both of them and shouted "Brittaney...Jessie I love you girls". Their faces were so red, I actually think mine was to. I had so much fun making everyone laugh.
The team lost the game to Pike County who is undefeated by a score of 15-22. This was the best game that I have seen the team play. The referee's were aweful! They called 2 touchdowns of our's back, and were not calling plays on Pike county that should have been called. I'm not one to complain about referee's, but they really took the game from us. I am so proud of Lamar Co. though, and most of all I'm so proud of my son and the accomplishments that he has made. At halftime the seniors walked on the field with their parents for one last time and were recognized individually. My mom pointed out to me that we will be doing that next year. My heart just sank. I realized that my sweet little boy will be graduating next year and leaving home going off to college. How time flies. Brian was only 7 when I met his Daddy. I have had the honor of helping his Daddy raise him to be the smart young man that he is today. I will blog more about him at a later blog, but I just want to say that I am so proud of him and his accomplishments that he has made so far and look forward to many more with him!

1 comment:
It was a Blast! The best part about it... was watching Heather Get down and dance and we all agree she still has it (the Dance Thing)! Heather, your step dad wants to take you out to Dance... Steven you and I can watch. For Brian...We love you and are so very proud of you too! Matter of fact we're proud of all of you...don't let that go to your head Steven...lol. We love ya'll
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