Monday, March 16, 2009

I really was getting off of the computer and getting ready to go to bed because it is 9:42 p.m. and my day starts at 4:15. While I was shutting everything down Hunter is laying in the floor watching wrestling on television. We do not watch it and have never watched it with Hunter. It just so happened that Austin was watching wrestling and I told him that it was bedtime so the t.v. was left on. While sitting at the computer I hear my 4 year old son, in the softest voice ever, say "that girl is a hottie". The word hottie was very drawn out. I stopped and turned around to look at him thinking that I misunderstood something and I said to him "What did you just say?" He said "Mommy, that girl is a hottie." I just started laughing and reminded myself of the joy it is to have a 4 year old boy who learns so much from his Daddy and two older brothers. He did tell me earlier that I'm his best girl, this is his way of saying I'm his girlfriend. Man, I love this kid, he seems to make me smile daily!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I literally laughed out loud when I read that. HAHA!