Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break is over.

Today was the first day back to school after having a week off for spring break. I received some good news from my English class just before the break, I made an A on my midterm exam, I was extremely surprised. My professor reminded us today that we only have 6 weeks left. I do not like this semester at all, maybe it has something to do with my psychology class. I really was looking forward to psychology and dreading English, but now it is reversed. I really like my English professor, he finds a way to make Oedipus Rex interesting, imagine that. Enough rambling about school I just know that I only have 6 weeks left and trust me I will be counting them down.
So, on my break I vowed that I would not even open a book... not even once, and I did exactly that. I spent my spring break spring cleaning. I could have gone on an exotic vacation or a trip to the mountains, but I chose to thoroughly clean my house. Besides, did I mention that I did not have the funds to take a trip? Being a grown up sometimes is not all that fun, but despite all of the bumps in the road, I love it. I love to have a clean house, but unfortunately since school started I have not been able to really clean it besides my daily chores. I'm going to make the most of the next 6 weeks and pray that our Heavenly Father will help me buckle down in psychology and pass the class.

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