Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break

The boys were out on Spring Break the weak before Easter, but unfortunately Brittaney and I still had school. On Thursday my class was cancelled due to my professor being involved in a car accident. It was a beautiful day and I wanted to do something outside so the boys and I headed to Noah's Ark, which is a rehabilitation center for animals, and we had a really good time. Brittaney was not able to attend because she still had school and we missed her very much.

On Friday the weather was nasty and rainy so Stephen could not work therefore he was here with the boys and I went on to school. When I came home we decided to check Brittaney out of school and everyone went bowling. Stephen and I sat back and watched the kids bowl. We took our adopted son Austin and his uncle Colton with us so there were six kids bowling. It was so much fun watching the kids compete with each other and the boys bowling Britt's turn when she was not looking. There is never a dull moment when all of us get together.

Hunter wanted to relax with Daddy while he waited on his turn.

At the end of our 2 hour session of bowling Brian and Brittaney wanted to trade shoes. I had a hard time deciding which shoes looked best with which outfit, can you help me out?

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