Friday, June 5, 2009

slipping and sliding

We finally took the cover off the pool this week. I really wanted a swimming pool and I enjoy it, I really do, but I did not want to open it this year. It is a pain in my backside to keep up with chemical balancing, cleaning the pool, and everything else that comes along with the upkeep of a pool. The kids have been asking me when we are going to open it and Stephen told me "You give me the word and I will do it." So, I finally gave and he opened it on Monday.

Brian's job was to clean the pool cover and he made the best of it. Him and Hunter made a slip and slide out of it and they had a blast. Brian called me outside to look at something, I thought it was a snake so I was very hesitant. When I walked outside I busted out laughing. Those two boys were so funny sliding on their knee's and backside. There is nothing I love to hear more than my children laughing. Laughter is truly the best medicine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!
Although, it doesn't look like you're the only person who cut all their hair off...?