Monday, July 13, 2009


I have had a really eventful weekend. Saturday I experienced a horrible wreck and it will live with me for the rest of my life. Two women were involved and their car had flipped after over correcting themselves and hitting two trees. You can only imagine the scene,both ladies had to be life flighted to an Atlanta hospital. I was the second person on the scene and thank God that my friend Tracy and her daughter were with Hunter and I, she was able to take my car with the kids in it and pull away from the scene. I do not want to go into details about this and I'm still searching for the reason why God put me there when he did. One thing that I learned is that I do not want to be a paramedic, just an R.N.
Today I called the hospital and was looking for these two women giving the hospital the name that the State Patrol officer gave me at the site. After calling several hospitals I could not find them so I called the state patrol post and talked to the other officer who was on the scene and he gave me the right name and their address. So, I called the hospital back and finally got the room to one of the women who had a compound fracture. I ask her how she was doing and how her mom was and she informed me that her mom went home! I was amazed at the touching of God's healing hand. Both of the ladies are on their way to recovery and I will still continue to pray for them.

Sunday Brian left for a week long missionary trip to N.C. I'm so proud of him for getting involved. I went to church for the blessing of the youth group and I was so glad that I went for the message. The sermon was on envy and the deadly sin of it. We all envy someone and throw the word around to often. There are often times that we make remarks such as "The only reason they have so much money is because it was handed to them" or "She might be able to sing, but she can not dress". These are the examples that the pastor used. But it is true, everyone is guilty of it when we all should be happy for the success of others. I took that sermon to heart and was so glad that I was there to hear it.
After church the youth group packed up their belongings and were saying good bye to their family. Yes, as all of you know I cried. I really will enjoy the break from Brian for a few days, but a whole week I'm not sure how I will feel. I think that Hunter will have a harder time than I will. So work on yourself and when you wish that you could go on that nice vacation, have a bigger house, or want what others have, make a list of what you do have and be thankful for what God has blessed you with.
Have a great week!

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