Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3 weeks today

Today makes three weeks out from my surgery and although I am on the healing side, I still have a way's to go. I feel so much better than I did two weeks ago, but I still hurt, I am still uncomfortable, and I am still miserable. If it sounds like I am whining...well yes I am. I feel as though I have become a cry baby in my old age. Especially since surgery, I have had two episodes where I have just cried to Stephen that I can not take anymore and being the wonderful man that he is, he just wiped my tears for me and gave me a pep talk.
I can do laundry, dishes, wipe down counters, cook dinner, and sweep sometimes. Things that I still can not do is vacuuming, mopping floors, sleep on my side or stomach, scrub tubs and showers, pick up anything heavy, sleep all through the night, and there are more that I will keep to myself. I am on the upside of recovery and I am very grateful for that. I can drive with the help of the kids (scary, I know) but if I do not have to drive then I will let someone else do it for me. Brittaney came this past weekend and chauffeured me around, and it was really nice being able to spend the entire weekend with her.
I am a very independent person who relies only on myself. Having to rely on my family for help has been really hard, and I encourage them by telling them " only 3 more weeks". I never knew that I would hurt so much. It is funny how the little things in life we take for granted. Just to think I use to complain about cleaning up. Once I'm completely healed, spring cleaning here I come. I will not even complain...well until the cleaning gets old again. Ha, I will just remember this time where all I can do is move from the bed to the recliner and I will shut my mouth real quick.

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